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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Leroi Moore dies

Wow, stunning news that I have to post quickly before I head to work... Leroi Moore of the Dave Matthews Band died unexpectedly yesterday after an accident.

Leroi was always the cool one... the one who never talked, who hid behind his sunglasses. He might've been the most underrated member of the band. The band will be fine - in fact, they've brought in other saxophonists in recent years to augment their sound. But it won't be the same.

I've seen DMB live 15 times, and though they're no longer my favorite band like they were in college, I'm quite saddened by this news.

The band went ahead with last night's show, and Dave gave a tribute to him:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My prayers go out to his family and friends and to all the members of DMB.

My Tribute to LeRoi Moore - http://www.redux.com/playlist/dave_matthews_band_leroi_moore_tribute